Calendar of Events 2023 & 2024

Lecture topics (beyond The Black Woods):

The long romance of Adirondack exceptionalism (breaking up is hard to do)

Irishtowns, Polander Hills, and Little Canadas: Ethnicity in the North Country 

Vigilante justice on the Adirondack frontier

A century of Adirondack peddling: No farm or hamlet out of reach

Hidden legacies of slavery in the antislavery Adirondacks

Beyond antiquarian history and Main Street heroes: How migratory, landless, and diasporic Adirondackers shaped the region’s destiny

The Once and Future Adirondack Farmer: Dispatches for New Agrarians from the   vanished farmscapes of the Adirondack Park

Conservation’s unexamined roots in eugenics, racialized geography, and the cult of Adirondack purity

If your institution, organization, or bookstore, seeks a lecture, classroom conversation, zoomed talk, interview or panel about The Black Woods, please visit my contact page.